Saturday 4 June 2011

Exercise: Editing

I had to take some pictures of a local man from Lyme Regis called John.  He not only made wine, collected saucy Victorian postcards but also wrote poetry.  The local newspaper wanted to feature him as he had published a book of his poems which were to go on sale at a local bookshop.  I arranged a date to go and see him to take the pictures. He works in his garden shed so I featured him in the shed (which was very small and lit by fluorescent lights).

He did not have time for me to do a pre picture visit to look at his facilities so I had to take the shed as I found it.  I chatted to John and as we spoke I took pictures of him against various backgrounds with him arranging the items behind him as we spoke.

Here's all the pictures I took in the time available:

They needed sorting into usable, technically poor and compositionally poor.

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