Thursday 9 June 2011

Editing: Step five - a final choice

I checked through the second sort and decided to use image DSC_3083 (last one on the list of the previous post. I felt this had the most potential but still needed some work on it due to the low light level and poor angle of the door frame.

As you can see the whole image is rather dark and the door frame is not upright. The lighting needs attention using Image/adjustments/shadows and highlights in Photoshop. The door frame needs to be skewed using the Edit/Transform/Skew in Photoshop.

Here's the final image with corrections for lighting and skewed door frame.

I used Levels to lighten the whole image, Edit/Transform/Skew to straighten the door post and Shadows/Highlights to lighten his face. Each function only needed a bit of tweeking to produce a much better image.

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